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Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 4 Observations

Dear Student,

I was struggling with tallying an unsettled account with a confusion that was resolved after two hours of checking and rechecking. This was because money was involved. A small mistake due to impatience or hurry to finish will result in monetary loss.

There was an interesting conflict between quality control, subject leader and a unit leader. The conflict became complicated with another content developer belonging to another group coming into the argument. This plus the added problem of not placing the project interest / group interest above everything else made matters more complicated.

Although it looks bad to see people arguing in a manner that disturbs the peaceful work atmosphere, such things are very common in a workplace.  Therefore, conflict management is usually done keeping in mind the organisational interests. The final verdict may not satisfy everyone but is the best fit in the given situation.
Egos will be hurt. It is a small price to pay for upholding the integrity of an organisation.

Tomorrow , if possible, I will present it as a case study for all of you to solve.  Based on your appreciation of the problem, we will  come to  final conclusion, perhaps by consulting experts in conflict resolution also.

In that aspect, what happened today should be seen as an opportunity to see organisation in action. You had  free passes to witness what happens in an Infosys , a Wipro or a TCS :) No different !

It is just that the employees are trained to be well in control of their emotions, well aware of the organisational etiquette and rules, aware of the grievance redressal mechanism, aware of their limits.

The most important thing to remember is this : " If , you as an individual, or a batch, or a unit, or a group, or  a company, allow a CONFLICT that begins at the floor-level (bottom-level) to escalate into higher levels it will DEFINITELY result in the destruction of the delicate organisational fabric of the company. When this happens, it is like any other damage. It will cause destruction.

This is similar to a small fire spreading across the building and finally destroying the whole fabric. If you are not taking any action to help reduce the fire , it wil finally destroy YOUR place too.

So friends, when you watch conflicts in an organisation, STEP IN RIGHT AWAY as a leader. Do all that is possible to understand and reduce the conflict.

So, learn to see CONFLICT as if it is a FIRE. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT is similar to FIRE-FIGHTING.

We need to discuss more on this as you will have many, many doubts ....

Good Day

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